
Credit insurance concerns and covers short-term claims – that is those that must be repaid within 12 months – of businesses to ensure their cash flows.

Based on the information we have, the financial strength of your customers is determined and you are informed, so that you can carry out trading with confidence. In case of bankruptcy or late payment of your customers, you will be compensated for the products or services you provided.

τραπεζική κάρτα περνά απο μηχάνημα αυτόματης συναλλαγής


    • prediction

Gain access to complete and up to date information for the fluctuating risk of the portfolio of your clients. Locate and handle the orders and the payments of your clients with greater certainty.

    • Protection

Your trade demands are protected and your financial inflows and the profit margin are further satisfied. The power of your business is obvious to banks, auditors and investors.

    • Growth

Track te opportunities of growth and expansion. Free resources to develop your sales with new clients and in new markets

find out more about credits insurance

τραπεζική κάρτα περνά απο μηχάνημα αυτόματης συναλλαγής
φορτηγό πλοίο γερανός και αεροπλάνο πετά στον αέρα
χερι κρατα πολλούς ανθρώπους/ hand holding a lot of humans

need help?

The Tomorrow Without Stress company was created by Theodoros Kimoglou with the aim of helping every business and every family: 1. To carry out its plans and goals. 2. To secure its existing assets. 3. To ensure the viability of the business and the living standard of each family, in every case… so that you can attend to the things that have real value in life…
