Product Civil Liability

Your company manufactures and markets the most successful and popular product. But the misuse of it or any unpleasant consequences arising from it, are beyond your control and hard to predict. Thus you need to protect your business image and name, with a modern insurance program.

μπουκαλι με πορτοκαλάδα/ bottle with orange juice


    • Protection of financial results
    • Coverage in unfamiliar legal environment
    • Added value for your profile

Target Audience

In businesses that produce, distribute and sell various products such as:

    • Food stuffs
    • Drinks and beverages
    • Machinery components
    • Items for domestic/professional/industrial use

It covers

Your business against third parties and consumers for claims/damages (bodily injury/death and/or property damage), arising from any defect in the products which were distributed worldwide.

find out more about boat insurance

μπουκαλι με πορτοκαλάδα/ bottle with orange juice
χερι κρατα πολλούς ανθρώπους/ hand holding a lot of humans
handshake/ χειραψία

need help?

The Tomorrow Without Stress company was created by Theodoros Kimoglou with the aim of helping every business and every family: 1. To carry out its plans and goals. 2. To secure its existing assets. 3. To ensure the viability of the business and the living standard of each family, in every case… so that you can attend to the things that have real value in life…
